"High Confidence – Films & Human Rights in Crisis" is a Human Rights Film Festival Berlin podcast on current film and human rights affairs worldwide. All information on the topic and streaming options of the first episode can be found here.
We also have an overview of all podcast episodes and streaming options on our podcast news page. Have fun listening!

Topic: Situation in South Africa
Rehad Desai: investigative journalist, award winning filmmaker and civil rights activist
[1] ... in conversation with Rehad Desai
On April 8, we premiered the first episode. We talked to a very extraordinary filmmaker: Rehad Desai from South Africa is an investigative journalist, award winning filmmaker and civil rights activist. At the Human Rights Film Festival Berlin 2019 we showed his outstanding documantary "Everything Must Fall" about the 2016 student movement in South Africa against university fees.
In times of Covid-19 he is active on many fronts: as a journalist documenting the harsh restrictions by the South African Government but also as an activist seeking to ensure that his government’s response is rooted in social justice and democratic principles.