Everything must fall

Rehad Desai | South Africa | 2018 | 85 min | English with English Subtitiles
Rehad Desai | South Africa | 2018 | 85 min | English with English Subtitiles

The film is an unflinching look at the #FeesMustFall student movement that burst into the most militant national revolt in South Africa since the country’s first democratic elections. The story is told by four student leaders at Wits University and their Vice Chancellor, Adam Habib, a former anti-apartheid student activist. When Habib’s efforts to contain the protest fail, he brings 1000 policemen on to campus with dire consequences for the young leaders. The intergenerational conflict at the core of this film is strictly connected with the debate on higher education as a public good.

In Competition
Director:  Rehad Desal
23.09. | 19:30 |

Anschließendes Filmgespräch

24.09. | 21:00 |
Director:  Rehad Desal