Stories for Change

Global challenges like climate change and injustice are daunting. But what if we could use stories to shape the mindsets and attitudes of future generations in order to shape a more just planet? Stories for Change, an initiative of the Human Rights Film Festival Berlin and Schulen gegen den Hunger (English: Schools against Hunger), is doing just that.

As part of this project, we take young people on a journey that broadens their view of the world and motivates them to actively work towards a more just world. Interactive lectures and multimedia educational materials enable students to understand the conditions that their peers in the Global South are living in. A tailored film programme also offers them the opportunity to delve deeper into the issues and fully grasp their global significance.

Multimedia approaches and face-to-face encounters open windows to new realities. Through these experiences, young people can dismantle their resentments and prejudice and learn about global issues. These experiences activate their sense of empathy and solidarity, and inspire them to take responsibility for their future.

The philosophy of Stories for Change is to provide space for new thoughts, questions and perspectives while taking a participatory approach.This method encourages reflection and sets in motion a dynamic that has an impact that goes far beyond the school context.

Interactive presentations in schools are complemented by documentary shorts created by film-makers from the affected regions, offering authentic insights into the conditions there. In this way, we promote contemporary narratives that help to change patterns of thought and action.

A film tour through Germany and school screenings offer diverse perspectives and make it possible to discuss complex topics such as the causes of displacement and global inequality. This approach connects activists with audiences across Germany, educates, motivates and activates them to take action themselves.

We are convinced that, by activating this generation and enabling them to understand the role they play in the global community, we can make a significant contribution to combating climate change and global injustice. Young people are the protagonists of tomorrow, and it is our responsibility to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.


Schule gegen den Hunger

The sports and education project Schulen gegen den Hunger raises awareness among children and young people in Germany about the global problem of malnutrition and enables them to get involved socially through sports. In interactive presentations, students learn how their peers in the Global South are being affected by current global challenges. They gain expertise on the topic of hunger and are encouraged to change their perspectives through experiments and short films.

Film tour

From 22 October to 22 November, we will be presenting three films from this year’s festival programme in various German cities. These films can also be booked as school screenings in the cinema or in our digital cinema room throughout the year. Activists from the films accompany us on tour to provide in-depth insights into their work and experiences.

26. SEPTEMBER 2023