Freedom of Speech

Laureate Willy Brandt Award - While We Watched

tba | tba | 2022 | 94 Min. | tba
tba | tba | 2022 | 94 Min. | tba

Indian television journalist Ravish Kumar appears on primetime television – and he is on edge. For many years, his news channel has been known for its solid research, fact-based analysis and independent journalism. But now, with loud, polarising TV debates dominating screens and extremists using alternative platforms to spread disinformation, press freedom in India is crumbling before his eyes. Every day Ravish faces new challenges: his budget is cut, staff leave, he receives death threats, and his family is targeted. Even when his messages are shouted down, Ravish Kumar knows that if he remains silent, it will cost everyone the truth.

In Competition
21.10. | 19:00 | Colosseum

Am 21.10.2023 um 19 Uhr zeigen wir den Gewinnerfilm des Willy Brandt Awards While We Watched als Sondervorführung im Colosseum.