Unstoppable Floods – Facing Climate Change

A photo exhibition by Peter Caton on the consequences of the climate crisis in South Sudan.

Opening 13 October | Tue–Sun 10am–7pm | Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung - Stresemannstraße 90, 10963 Berlin.

‘Although the people of South Sudan have contributed the least to the climate crisis, they are the ones most affected by the catastrophic consequences of climate change. Over a three-year period, I visited the communities of Old Fangak and Paguir in South Sudan several times. It was important for me to witness the resilience of the people who have survived the massive destruction caused by flooding. I photographically documented the important work being done by Action Against Hunger, which is helping communities to adapt to the changing climate and create new livelihoods. This gives people hope for a better future.’

Although the people of South Sudan have contributed the least to the climate crisis, they are the ones most affected by the catastrophic consequences of climate change.
Peter Caton, Photographer
Peter Caton, Fotograf
25. SEPTEMBER 2023