Jonathan Happ, Katja Becker | DE | 2019 | 58 min | German
Jonathan Happ, Katja Becker | DE | 2019 | 58 min | German
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International chemical companies sell highly toxic agrochemicals in Kenya, that have long been banned in Europe because their ingredients cause cancer. Nonetheless, in Kenya these toxic chemicals are sold all over the country without any regulations. Small scale farmers believe the companies’ promises of better and safer harvests. Many already depend on hybrid seeds. Old and resistant seed varieties that could also withstand climate change are being displaced, and chemicals are poisoning people and the environment. Alternative farming methods in East Africa show that it no longer needs chemicals and hybrid seeds to feed the world, but a change in thinking.

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16.09. - 03.10. | Stream

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25.09. | 20:00 |

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