In Search...

Beryl Magoko | Germany, Belgium, Kenya | 2018 | OmeU
Beryl Magoko | Germany, Belgium, Kenya | 2018 | | OmeU

IN SEARCH... raises the question: why do mothers allow their daughters to undergo female genital mutilation (FGM)? The Kenyan director Beryl Magoko, who now lives in Germany, gave into peer pressure and chose to be “circumcised” as a young girl. She thought it was simply a rite of passage, but why did nobody tell her how painful and humiliating it would be? Now she knows that reconstructive surgery is a possibility, but she’s unsure whether this is her opportunity to feel complete again.

Cinematography:  Jule Katinka Cramer
Editing:  Fani Schoinopoulou
30.09. - 20.10. |

Verfügbarkeit: 30. September 22:00 Uhr bis 20. Oktober 23:59 Uhr. 24h Zugriff ab Wiedergabebeginn.

07.10. | 20:30 | ACUDkino

Anschließendes Filmgespräch

Tickets sind auch vor Ort erhältlich.

Cinematography:  Jule Katinka Cramer
Editing:  Fani Schoinopoulou