Monday, 7th Ocotber 2024 | 5.30 p.m. | ENG | Palais KulturBrauerei
The panel invites exploration of the synergies and opportunities for cooperation between independent filmmakers, TV journalists, and NGOs, and addresses the challenges and limitations of these partnerships. Key topics will include the motivations behind such collaborations, the criteria NGOs use to select media partners, the balance between compelling storytelling and respecting sensitive environments, and strategies for managing crises in high-pressure contexts. This discussion aims to provide an understanding of how these sectors work together and the impact on both their respective fields and the people they aim to represent.
All Talks are free, but you need to registrate:
Screening afterwards:
After the talk, the film Save Our Souls will be shown at Kino in der KulturBrauerei. Extra tickets must be purchased for this film!
Seyi Rhodes
Seyi Rhodes
Nigerian-British presenter and investigative journalist and reporter of the investigative documentary series "Unreported World" on Channel 4, is increasingly discovering NGOs and foundations not only as supporters but as financiers for his films, which are then hopefully picked up by broadcasters. The reason for this is that TV channels like Channel 4 or the BBC are increasingly cutting budgets for documentary films.
Mariel Müller
Mariel Müller
East Africa bureau chief for DW News, the young studio manager and correspondent for DW in Nairobi, travels whenever possible on her own, without the common support of NGOs, to crisis areas like Somalia and South Sudan, in order to maintain her independence.
Oliver Kulikowski
Oliver Kulikowski
Head of Media and spokesperson for the Sea-Watch organization, which operates civilian sea rescue operations in the central Mediterranean. The initiative was founded at the end of 2014 by a handful of volunteers who could no longer stand by and watch people die at our borders. To date, Sea-Watch has been involved in the rescue of over 45,000 people.
Jean-Baptiste Bonnet
Jean-Baptiste Bonnet
Film director and cinematographer of numerous creative documentaries, notably broadcasted by Arte, France Télévisions, and the Centre Georges Pompidou. Alongside, he has worked with production companies and broadcasters as a script doctor. Co-founder of Habilis Productions in 2020. In 2022, he produced and co-directed "Here Lions Once Roared" with Laurine Estrade. In 2024, he directed "Save Our Souls," selected for Visions du Réel.
Josephine Schmidt
Josephine Schmidt
As editor-in-chief of The New Humanitarian, Josephine built and led the world's only independent newsroom dedicated to reporting on and from humanitarian crises. She has worked with local journalists around the globe and has deep experience managing reputational, access and security needs in high-risk crisis reporting. Under her leadership, The New Humanitarian's coverage served as a watchdog over the humanitarian sector and a platform to amplify voices often overlooked by Western media. She previously held editorial and business roles at The New York Times, where she worked for 18 years.