Ullabritt Horn | DE | 2015 | 94 min | English
Ullabritt Horn | DE | 2015 | 94 min | English
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"This was brutal mass murder and I can prove it!" With these words, Benjamin Ferencz became the chief prosecutor in the Nuremberg trial of the SS murder gangs in 1947. A MAN CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE traces the stirring life of Ferencz, a small man with a big vision. Ferencz's experiences during the Nazi era became a driving force in his tireless fight against war crimes around the world. Fifty years after Ferencz was chief prosecutor of the Nuremberg trials, he became a founding member of the International Criminal Court, which was established in The Hague in 2002.

16.09. - 25.09. | Stream

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25.09. | 20:00 |