Climate Justice

Against The Tide

Sarvnik Kaur | Indien, Frankreich | 2023 | 97 Min. | Hindi, Marathi, Englisch mit englischen Untertiteln
Sarvnik Kaur | Indien, Frankreich | 2023 | 97 Min. | Hindi, Marathi, Englisch mit englischen Untertiteln

Rakesh und Ganesh stehen sich so nahe, sie sind wie Brüder. Sie sind beide Fischer der indigenen Koli-Gemeinschaft in Mumbai, doch sie haben unterschiedliche Wege eingeschlagen. Rakesh, der frischgebackene, stolze Vater, fischt mit dem alten Boot der Familie auf traditionelle Weise in den Untiefen der Bucht und holt den Fang mit der Hand ein, genau wie sein Vater es einst tat. Ganesh hingegen fährt mit dem Motorboot in tiefere Gewässer und setzt moderne – und manchmal illegale – Technik ein. Doch die Fischbestände gehen aufgrund von Umweltverschmutzung und invasiven Arten zurück. Rakesh und Ganesh müssen darum kämpfen, ihre jungen Familien über die Runden zu bringen, während ihre Brüderlichkeit auf die Probe gestellt wird.

South asian woman with curly hair smiling

Koval Bhatia

Filmmaker and Producer
Country: India
Organisation: A Little Anarky Films

Koval Bhatia

Koval is a filmmaker and producer based in India. Her first feature documentary as a producer (Against The Tide) received the Special Jury Prize at Sundance Film Festival ‘23 and the Grand Jury Prize at Seattle IFF. Her first short documentary as director/producer (She Run The World) premiered at DCEFF and Hot Docs Canada in 2023. Her projects have received support from Sundance DFP, IDFA, Catapult Film Fund, Hot Docs, Al Jazeera, Doc Society, EWA. She has pitched her projects at Sheffield MeetMarket, Hot Docs Forum, Docs by the Sea and DOKLeipzig. She graduated from EURODOC, received the Getting Real IDA Fellowship and is Chair of Jury for Best Features at IDA Awards. 

21.10. | 21:00 | City Kino Wedding

Gefolgt von Filmgespräch mit / Followed by film talk with Koval Bhatia (Producer)

22.10. | 19:00 | Hackesche Höfe Kino

Gefolgt von Filmgespräch mit / Followed by film talk with Koval Bhatia (Producer)

South asian woman with curly hair smiling

Koval Bhatia

Filmmaker and Producer
Country: India
Organisation: A Little Anarky Films

Koval Bhatia

Koval is a filmmaker and producer based in India. Her first feature documentary as a producer (Against The Tide) received the Special Jury Prize at Sundance Film Festival ‘23 and the Grand Jury Prize at Seattle IFF. Her first short documentary as director/producer (She Run The World) premiered at DCEFF and Hot Docs Canada in 2023. Her projects have received support from Sundance DFP, IDFA, Catapult Film Fund, Hot Docs, Al Jazeera, Doc Society, EWA. She has pitched her projects at Sheffield MeetMarket, Hot Docs Forum, Docs by the Sea and DOKLeipzig. She graduated from EURODOC, received the Getting Real IDA Fellowship and is Chair of Jury for Best Features at IDA Awards.