School Programme


The HRFFB school film programme offers students the opportunity to engage deeply with human rights and development policy issues through documentaries and subsequent discussions. Using the portrayal of a real and touching fate, complex topics become tangible and understandable. During the festival week, film screenings allow students to directly interact with filmmakers and activists, providing a space to reflect on and discuss what they’ve seen together.

The selected films have been curated exclusively for schools and serve as a vivid complement to regular coursework. Additional teaching materials help to deepen the topics in class in a lasting way.


You can register your class or entire school using the form below. The screenings are suitable for students from 7th grade onwards.


For schools participating in the "Schools Against Hunger" project in 2024 or 2025, the screenings are free of charge. Other schools pay 2 EUR per person.



Rojin und ihre Oma

Tuesday, 08.10.2024 | 10:30 AM | Kino in der KulturBrauerei


Düzen Tekkal, David Körzdörfer | 2024 | 86 min. | dt. OV | FSK 12

Content Note: Sexualized Violence, Death 

August marked the 10th anniversary of the genocide committed by the so-called "Islamic State" against the Yazidis. Thousands of Yazidis were systematically killed, enslaved, and displaced. Since then, this religious minority has been grappling with the aftermath of the terror. In front of activist and documentary filmmaker Düzen Tekkal’s camera from HÁ, four pairs of siblings share their stories. Together with co-director David Körzdörfer, she follows the protagonists' lives in both Germany and Iraq. In a conversation with Annalena Baerbock, Tekkal highlights the necessary measures Germany must take to protect the Yazidis today.


Post-screening discussion with director David Körzdörfer and attending protagonists.

Thursday, 10.10.2024 | 10:30 AM | Kino in der KulturBrauerei


Doris Metz | 2024 | 105 min. | German OV | FSK 12

Content Note: Femicide  

Petra Kelly was a symbol of the peace movement, an activist for environmental protection and human rights, a fighter against nuclear power, a co-founder of the Green Party, and a feminist politician. With her energy and passion, she could serve as a role model for today's politicians and activists. Her comprehensive biography reveals her pursuit of a better world for everyone. It also highlights the conflict between her American-style politics and the dynamics of West Germany during the arms race. Furthermore, it becomes evident how she was worn down by hate and misogyny, ultimately becoming a victim of femicide. Companions such as Otto Schily and activists like Luisa Neubauer underscore the lasting significance of Petra Kelly today.

Post-screening discussion with Prof. Dr. Rita Süssmuth, former President of the Bundestag.

Anmeldung zur Veranstaltung

Film auswählen
Dienstag, 08.10. 10:30 Uhr
Donnerstag, 10.10. 10:30 Uhr

Hinweise zur Verarbeitung Ihrer Angaben und Widerspruchsrechte: Datenschutz

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